
Let’s be real. Who really reads paragraphs…well, specifically paragraphs about an ‘about me’ section? We read enough these days eh? Read on if you dare, but if you don't feel the need just stop here. Some girls dance, others play sports and some... just paint. If you haven't already guessed, I am the girl painting away any spare time I can get. Art has always been a constant for me. I have lived in Oregon for all my life and have always been captivated by it's endless beauty. In fact, I can't remember a time in my life when art has not played a major role. Having a Grandmother and Mother who share this same creative talent has helped to move me along in almost every aspect of my creative journey. I mainly use oil paint ( If you use Acrylic you are crazy!) when working. I have also worked closely with clay and plaster for periods of time in my life. Drawing is not my strong suit, in fact I dread it. However, I have taken many drawing classes to better myself and try to always have a sketchpad with me. This is partly out of habit and partly because my mother has passed along her "bad memory" gene. I am afraid if I didn't write down my inspiration it would be washed away a minute later. Art has helped to guild me as a individual and shape the world around me. I hope you enjoy my portfolio.

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